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- December 16, 2024
December 16, 2024
CHIP is approved and ATC now has Interactive Parcel Maps!
Around the Corner
Last week, LA City Council voted to support the Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) Ordinance as presented by the LA City Planning Department without amendments.
🚨 Check out our new Interactive Parcel Maps!
Look at what you’ll find when exploring the case for 625 South Beacon St.

The Week Ahead
LA City Council in Recess
December 16 | Santa Monica Architectural Review Board
1673 9th St, 24ARB-0132: Review the design for constructing a new three-story, 45’ tall, 15,750 sf commercial office building in the IC Industrial Conservation Zoning District
1415-1437 5th St, 24ARB-0150: Review of the design for an eighteen-story, 203’-6” tall, 353,925 sf residential and mixed-use housing development project consisting of 422 residential units (358 market-rate units; 64 affordable) and 7,050 sf of commercial floor area above two levels of subterranean parking in the Transit Adjacent Zone of the Downtown Community Plan.
1217 Euclid S, 24ARB-0231: Review the design for constructing a six-story 100% affordable housing project consisting of 48 units and one level of subterranean parking in the R3 Medium Density Residential zoning district
December 17 | Harbor Area Planning Commission
625 South Beacon St, DIR-2020-2595-SPR-HCA-M1: New construction of an eight-story mixed-use development comprised of 281 dwelling units and 1,782 sf of commercial with a proposed FAR of 4.1:1 resulting in 229,097 sf of floor area. The Project will provide 363 parking spaces and demolish three existing buildings and parking. The project was approved in 2021, and a modification of entitlement is now being requested in connection with the proposed design changes
December 18 | Santa Monica Planning Commission
1901 Wilshire Blvd, 23ENT-0141: A Conditional Use Permit, Development Review Permit, Waiver, and Minor Modification to allow for the construction of a new Tier 2, three-story medical office building with Mixed-Use Boulevard (MUB) zoning district. The proposed Waiver and Minor Modification requests are to allow for a reduction of the minimum upper-story stepback and loading space dimensional requirements, respectively.
1420-1422 20th St, 22ENT-0305: Development Review Permit for the construction of an eight-story mixed-use building with 50 residential units, inclusive of 10 deed-restricted affordable units; a 40-room hotel; ground floor commercial; roof level amenity space; and two levels of subterranean parking. The project is proposed under the “Builder’s Remedy” statute.
December 19 | City Planning Commission
1515 South Veteran Ave, CPC-2022-7045-CU3-DB-DRB-SPPC-HCA: Demolition of three existing multi-family dwellings and construction of a new 67-foot tall, six-story multifamily development. The proposed Project will provide 47 dwelling units and one Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), including five VLI units. The proposed Project will be approximately 92,090 sf with a FAR of 5.55:1.
5720–5728 West Waring Ave, CPC-2023-6389-CU-DB-WDI-HCA-PHP: Construction, use, and maintenance of a new 35,383 sf, five-story residential apartment building with 35 units including seven affordable units set aside for VLI Households. The Project will provide 3,923 sf of open space for residents, 17 vehicle parking spaces, and 41 bicycle parking spaces
11960 Victory Blvd, CPC-2023-891-GPA-ZC-BL-CUB-CUX: Expansion of a 6,059 sf church known as the Holy Trinity Armenian Church. The Project involves the addition of a new 5,688 sf, two-story daycare/school facility, a new 2,814 sf lobby, a new 4,811 sf covered courtyard, and a new 14,543 sf, two-story, accessory use building consisting of new offices for the existing church on the first floor and a sports gym/banquet hall on the second floor.
12202–12214 West Exposition Blvd, DIR-2023-8208-TOC-HCA-1A: A partial appeal of approval of a new seven-story, 78-foot-tall residential development with 45 dwelling units including five ELI. The Project will have a FAR of 4.65:1 with approximately 67,396 sf of floor area. The Project will provide one level of subterranean parking with 28 residential vehicular parking spaces.
Week in Review
Highlighted Case Applications
Los Angeles
2828 S Figueroa St, ADM-2024-8026-RDP: Existing Remodel for 1,990 SF and 300 Addition for exterior walk in unit
1208 Exposition Blvd, ADM-2024-8004-ADU-CPIOC: Proposed new two-story adu structure with 2 adus over each other
2927 S Catalina St, ADM-2024-7949-ADU-CPIOC: New 2-story ADU attached to the rear of existing 3-unit apartment
511 N Hoover St, ADM-2024-7941-DB-VHCA-RED1: Demolition of existing 2 single-family residences and 1 Industrial Building and the construction of a new, 6-story, 100% affordable housing project consisting of 145 residential dwelling units
1236 Cliff Dr, ADM-2024-7983-PMUL: Sb9 urban lot split, one lot to two lots. parcel a - 5,057.67 sf and lot b - 3,538.68 sf
471 Loring Ave, DIR-2024-8034-ADJ: Adjustment for reduced side yard setbacks and adjustments to the encroachment plane for an SFD in the R1-1 zone
Culver City
13476 Washington Blvd, P2024-0313: Construction of a new dual-jurisdiction, 79-unit mixed-use building with 64 units in Los Angeles and 15 in Culver City. The portion within Culver City is a 3.944 sf site comprised of two parcels in the CG zone and will include one VLI unit, one MLI, and three workforce housing units in addition to 1,898 sf of commercial space.
Highlighted Completions
Did you know we now have a completed date filter for LA in ATC? You can also check a project's status using the new status filter. For example, many of the cases below have been approved but have a status of “In appeal period.”
Los Angeles
8520 Allenwood Rd, DIR-2024-4933-DRB-SPPC-MSP: Approved with conditions an interior remodel/addition to existing 3,257 sf SFD Project includes additions of 368.1 sf and 58.1 sf on 1st floor and 122.4 sf and 103 sf on 2nd floor, resulting in a total proposed RFA of 3,908.6 sf
10423 Tuxford St, DIR-2024-5311-SPPC: Approved with conditions the addition of a foyer and covered porch at the for the house, today of 24 sf
633 Muskingum Ave, ZA-2021-5195-CDP-ZAA-MEL: Approved with conditions demolition of existing SFD and garage and the construction of a new 4,126 sf SFD with attached garage
2814 Clune Ave, DIR-2020-612-CDP-MEL: Approved with conditions coastal development permit and Mello Act to demolish residence and build a new residence in the single-jurisdiction of the coastal zone
1105 S Olive St, VTT-82109: Approved with conditions a vesting zone change from RA-1 to RD301 for the construction use and maintenance of an 8-unit residential development (4 duplex buildings) and 16 parking spaces)