March 18, 2024

LA Planning releases Housing Element Rezoning Program

Around the Corner

Last week, LA City Planning released draft ordinances supporting the Housing Element Rezoning Program.


  • Program is comprised of 3 ordinances: Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP), Housing Element Sites, and Resident Protections

  • CHIP includes changes to the State Density Bonus program, aligning it with recent state reforms, including raising the cap on DB and higher affordable unit requirements

  • CHIP’s goal is to increase by-right, ministerial approvals for housing (read more)

  • Program includes a Citywide Adaptive Reuse Ordinance, with a faster review process, more flexible unit sizes, and relief from specific development standards

We will keep you informed as things progress.

The Week Ahead

March 19 | LA City Council

  • 11905 Wilshire Blvd Project, DIR-2022-6249-DB-CDO-SPR-WDI-HCA: Approval of use of SCEA (qualifies as a transit priority project, mixed-use development). The project is demolishing a commercial building and constructing a mixed-use development with 81 dwelling units and 3,558 sf of commercial space

March 19 | LA Planning and Land Use Mgmt Committee

  • 754 S Hope St, CPC-2017-505-TDR-ZV-SPPA-DD-SPR-1A: Approval of TFAR >50,000 sf for the transfer of up to 346,853 sf from the Los Angeles Convention Center (Donor Site); permitting a max. 9.25:1 FAR in place of 6:1, as well as a decision on appeal and zoning variances for a 50-story mixed-use development with 580 residential dwelling units and up to 7,499 sf. of commercial/retail space. The project has been ongoing since 2017 (EIR required).

  • 11211 Chandler Blvd, CPC-2019-7240-DA: Authorization to execute the Development Agreement between the City of LA and Noho Development Associates, LLC, relating to North Hollywood – Valley Village Community Plan area property

  • 12825 Ventura Blvd, CPC-2021-7012-DB-MCUP-WDI-SPP-SPR-VHCA-1A: Demolition of existing hotel for proposed ~650,996 sf mixed-use project within three bldgs, 520 multi-family units (78 VLI), and 45,945 sf commercial space. The project site is currently developed with an existing commercial shopping center, The Shops at Sportsmen's Landing (Site A), and a hotel and surface parking lot (Site B). The Project involves the demolition of the existing hotel and surface parking lot on Site B and a lot line adjustment for minor boundary adjustments to Site A and Site B, to be reviewed under a separate ministerial process.

  • 900 E 4Th St, VTT-74745-2A: Decision on CEQA and appeal of VTT by Supporters Alliance for Environmental Responsibility (SAFER) over approval for the merger and re-subdivision of a 1.3-acre site into one ground master lot and 12 airspace lots and a Haul Route for the export of up to 84,300 cy of soil. Project includes construction of 11-story office building, 190 ft in height to include a mechanical penthouse, with up to 14,906 sf of commercial space.

March 20 | LA City Council

  • Review of PLUM decision on 12825 Ventura Blvd, CPC-2021-7012-DB-MCUP-WDI-SPP-SPR-VHCA-1A 

  • CONTINUED CONSIDERATION OF MOTION to waive the public right-of-way dedication requirements for more space to build the proposed public park project at Western Ave and Gage Ave

March 20 | West LA Planning Commission

  • 148 Chautauqua Blvd, APCW-2022-3115-DRB-SPP-SPE-CDP-MEL: Discretionary approvals for demolition of existing un-permitted structures and construction of a new two-story, 3,470 sf mixed-use building with two office units over two residential units. Requests elimination of the requirement for a building in Neighborhood Area A of the Pacific Palisades Commercial Village and Neighborhoods Specific Plan to be developed with a ground floor retail use comprising of 75% linear frontage along a public street, and increase in FAR to 0.75:1.

March 20 | City of Santa Monica Planning Commission

  • RESOLUTION NUMBER 24-001 (PCS): Recommendation to the City Council to Amend the Text of the City’s Zoning Ordinance For Consistency With Recent Amendments to State Density Bonus Law Adopted by AB 1287


Week in Review 

Highlighted Case Applications

  • 11150 Strathern St, APCNV-2024-1740-ZC: R1 to RD1.5 in Sun Valley

  • 27582 Hillstone, DIR-2024-1658-SPPC: Residential construction in subarea 5 of the Ponte Vista Specific Plan, with minor adjustments to allow construction of 37 dwelling units

  • 5554 Case Ave, ENV-2024-1733-EAF: TOC project with the demolition of auto repair shop and construction of 100-unit (10 ELI) apartment building 70% density bonus, 87 parking, & 50% FAR per Tier 3 and 2 additional incentives)

ED1 Applications

Highlighted Completions

  • 3848 Avenida Del Sol, ZA-2023-4083-ZAD: Approved addition to existing SFD on a substandard hillside street, reducing parking from 4 to 3 and increasing max. lot coverage to 47%

  • 2344 N Abbot Kinney Blvd, ZA-2020-6081-CDP-MEL-ZAA: Termination of application for demolition of an existing one-story, SFD to allow for the construction of new 3-story, 1,033 sf SFD

  • 535 N Larchmont Blvd, DIR-2023-2014-TOC-HCA: Approved with conditions the construction of a 4-story mixed-use building with 3,690 sf of commercial space and 15 residential dwelling units utilizing TOC incentives


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